Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What do you do with a silly mermaid?

Where to begin?! Things have been so crazy the past few weeks. I have been a busy busy mermaid! As we have updated on Facebook, we are officially working with the fabulous Fairmont Aquatic Center on some upcoming projects, and I will even be attending their Easter Egg Dive this weekend. I'm really looking forward to diving for treasures, meeting new kids, and making a splash! I even did some special shopping for the event, and went and purchased a new type of goggle. Swedish goggles have no rubber around the lenses to seal them in, they just seal directly to your eye. So they are almost invisible, stay off my makeup, are super comfortable...oh and did I mention that they also give me regular vision underwater? Yup, I can see as clearly under the water in the goggles as I can see above water without. They are amazing. For all you mermaids out there, these are a great option to protect your eyes, and they are almost invisible! AND since you put them together yourself, you can decorate them. I plan on beading the nose piece and decorating the rubber straps so they look prettier. I was really excited when I tested them yesterday.

I really wanted to blog about my experience with the photoshoot a couple of weeks ago too. It was the most fun I've had out of the water in a long time. Our photographer Hannah Call and her team was absolutely amazing! I felt so glamorous at the shoot, and I'm sure Dottie and Nikki did too. We shot at the Gateway Mall, and being naughty mermaids got into their fountains. And yes, took pictures right next to the "No Wading or Climbing" sign. The water in the fountains was ice cold! But felt fabulous on our tails, silicone can get so hot out of the water! We also propped ourselves up on concrete balls to shoot in front of a beautiful building, and on a park bench. My poor tail was soooooo dirty after! My tub was practically black after washing the poor thing. Here's the fabulous thing about my silicone Mermaid Creations LLC tail......I won't lie, photoshoots on dry land can beat a tail up, and while we do our best to protect it, we're still hopping and scooting on rocks and on benches. No damage was done to the tail. Zip. It still looks brand-spanking new. Dottie's tail took some damage sadly though. Jesse, if you are reading this, you're probably cringing right now, BUT you have more proof that those things are virtually indestructible! We haven't gotten updated photos yet, there were so many taken that I'm sure it will take our photographers awhile to sort through them all. But as soon as I get some, I will share!

The weekend before was wonderful too as we got to attend a birthday party at the Murray Aquatic Center. The little birthday girl was thrilled to have real mermaids show up at her party! We blew bubbles, played games, and sang mermaid songs. I even rewrote "What do you do with a drunken sailor?" to "What do you do with a silly mermaid?" I was thrilled that not only the kids were singing along and clapping but the adults were too! It's always wonderful to have an entire room dancing and clapping while you sing. She was a gorgeous little girl and so polite! As were all her wonderful friends!

The next few weeks will be busy busy busy too! This mermaid is off to San Diego for spring break to go back "home" for a few days. Hopefully the call of the ocean doesn't entice me to stay for too long!

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