Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Swimming Into Place

I just met with an old friend for dinner. I didn't realize that we hadn't seen each other for over a year, until we started talking. Of course, knowing me, I couldn't keep my mouth shut about being a mermaid. She knows, and she follows the blog and Facebook pages, but I still couldn't shut up about it. The good news? She's so excited that I'm going to take her out swimming on Saturday. It was nice to reminisce and catch up, and it made me realize how much I missed while I was working at my marketing job. And then I realized that I was neglecting my blog.

Life has been amazing these past weeks that I haven't had to work at that life insurance company. I spend my days doing mermaid things, catching up with family and friends, and just being me. I know I did the right thing, because the universe responded with so many positive reinforcements. And I wanted to spend just a few lines and remind everyone that reads this that money doesn't buy happiness. Sure, it buys lovely silicone tails, but ultimately, it doesn't make you happy. I am reminded of a quote that I remember reading off a blog about a year ago. I'm paraphrasing of course, but it went something like, "if you are ever trapped between the crossroads of safety and your dream, choose the dream, mermaids don't believe in regret." So I took a jump and quit my job, and the universe responded......

Shortly after I quit, I had several people step up to the plate (including my husband) and offer to help. Janelle has been a fin-tastic support system. Harley has been working more hours, and even my little brother who shares the apartment with me paid rent early so I could spend the rest of the month unemployed so I could catch up. So this is me publicly thanking them. And to all of you for your love and support. Couldn't do it without you.

I also wanted to give a shout out to Micah Moore. We just did an interview and wonderful photo shoot with her last Thursday. I was able to take her to lunch (okay, she took me, but only because we fought over the bill. I full intended on buying HER lunch). It was such an amazing experience. And she is an AMAZING mermaid. She is incredibly beautiful and talented. I can't wait to see how the pictures and interview turn out. It was so much fun to do the photos with her, and she was very conscientious of how hard it is to maneuver and pose in 3 feet of water with a tail. I felt like a real mermaid during her photo shoot, which was amazing. I was never uncomfortable or frustrated. Want more Micah? Follow her on Facebook and please check out her blogs, I've attached some of the links below:



I will post more pictures and blog soon! Until then, Mermaid Kisses to everyone! 



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