The festival was amazing. It was wonderful to be able to meet some of the other local mermaids in the area. And I made so many wonderful new friends and connections. I was shocked at how many people were so willing to help us mermaids. I was toted around in a handcart, lifted onto a horse, brought food and water and snacks. I truly felt like a goddess. The people there were so kind and helpful! What shocked me was the fact that so many guys were willing to lift and carry me......and that's where the fun began.
It's amazing how people don't listen to you when you say, "I'm heavy! Be careful! Don't hurt yourself!". I think I said that at least a million times, and yet these guys would pick me up. One handsome pirate decided to carry me off the handcart about 10 yards to where my booth was set up. I warned him that I was a heavy mermaid, and that he should probably team lift me, but he picked me up anyway. I felt so badly because I knew I was a little too heavy! The ground was uneven and he stumbled and down we went! He was kind enough to take the fall for me though, and drop me softly to the ground. And neither of us were seriously hurt (although I hope his back is okay!). The rest of the trip I was terrified of being dropped. Every time I warned these guys that I'm much heavier than I look, and every time they looked at me like I was crazy! But they were fabulously dedicated to helping me out.
Mermaid Transportation.

I wanted to attach some pictures of the mermaid meet and greet booth. Thalassa spent most of the day with us, and it was wonderful to be able to meet and play with her all day! I can hardly wait to do it again.
Mermaids and pirates. I think Jack is about to eat Janelle......

Sittin' Pretty!

My favorite pirate at the event was Kenn. I've unofficially adopted him as little brother. He was incredibly helpful, and kind. He even lifted me up onto a horse for some pictures (with the help of my husband too). The adventure of putting a mermaid on a horse was epic. First I had to stand (in my tail) and feed the horse so he knew I was a friend. They were a little spooked by the fact that I had no legs, and didn't know what to think about me. They are also sloppy eaters. And most of the feed that I gave them ended up on my tail.....which they proceeded to lick off of me. Have you ever had a horse lick food off your tail? It tickles. Then we had to grab a barrel to lift me on to. I had to hop in my fin on the barrel (with Kenn's help) and then be lifted up onto the horse by both guys. What you can't see in the pictures is that there is someone behind the horse spotting me should I fall over backward...which I almost did. It was a lot of work, but we got a few great pictures!
Meet Kenn....a fabulous pirate in my mermaid tiara.

The only reason that mermaids haven't taken over the world? Land transportation and horses.
Exhibit A: Attempting to put a mermaid on a horse. Terrifying? Yes!

Exhibit B: Riding off into the sunset!

Okay, I know this post is getting to be an epic, so I will impart one more story of the festival and let your eyes rest!
Since the Pirate Festival took place at Willard Bay we were able to perform in the bay and swim. Let me start by saying that Willard Bay is DISGUSTING! They transported us to the docks via handcart and truck. The trick was getting us into the drink as the water was shallow and the rocks and boat ramp was extremely slippery. After slipping and sliding and bumping around on the rocks we were able to make it out to the deeper parts to swim. The lake was so filled with algae and heaven knows what that it was virtually impossible to dive and swim under the water. And the visibility was zero. Yes, I opened my eyes in that stuff. Yes, that was probably a very bad idea. It was like opening your eyes in a bowl of salad. Nothing but green and brown. I'm lucky I didn't get an amoeba!! The lack of visibility, and the fact that I was in wild water made the swimming experience slightly terrifying. You don't know where the bottom is, you know that your fin makes you more than 6 feet tall and you can't feel the bottom with the tip of your tail, so you know you're in at least 7 feet of water....and then something brushes against your leg. The only thought going through your head is, "OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH! WHAT WAS THAT! EEEWWWW! A FISH? A BRANCH? A DEAD BODY??!!!???" Meanwhile you are smiling and laughing and beckoning pirates in telling them "Come in! The water's fine! It's wonderful!". All lies. The water was NOT fine. And why is there a random warm spot when the rest of the lake is so cold? Ewww! And then there was posing for photos on the rocks. We found out the hard way that the lake has crawfish....and they bite (or pinch?). The rocks are slippery, we have maybe a foot of water, and creepy crawfish are hiding underneath our perches....angry because we're probably crushing them. And I'm trying to smile for pictures. Smile, OUCH! Smile, Ew! Smile, QUIT BITING ME! Smile, Was that a mosquito or a crawfish? Smile, EEEEKKK something brushed against my leg! Luckily, I was able to hide my disgust and disdain. It took 3 pirates to drag me onto the docks, and when I finally came out of the drink, I smelled of algae and pond. The good news? Algae is great for your skin, so my skin shimmered the rest of the trip. (But my hair smelled of pond.) But for all of the fear and crawfish bites, it was so worth it. There were so many people that came out to watch, and it was wonderful!
I'm sure I've missed a million and one things. The entire festival was so wonderful that I can't really talk about it in one blog post. But, if you want more stories, and/or have questions, feel free to comment and I will respond!
Mermaid Kisses to all, and especially to all those that helped me at the festival, and helped organize the entire thing!
Now I'm addicted. I'll have to just keep reading your blog now. LOL, as if I needed another addiction, between tails, my hubby and babe, and crafting.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you enjoyed it! I'm honored to be another addiction. But if you need to visit Mermaids Anonymous with me, I'll be your sponsor. Just kidding. :)